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Serves 4

Difficulty level: Medium

Time: 35-40 minutes

cauliflower pizza base.JPG

Suggestion: These are best made in advance of your pizza night for convenience and can be frozen for up to 3 months.



4 cups cauliflower, steamed

1 cup almond meal

4 eggs (free range if possible)

1/3 cup avocado oil or coconut oil

Salt & pepper

Any herbs or spices of your choice such as basil, oregano, garlic, rosemary, thyme, chilli (be creative!)




  • Your oven should be preheated to 180 degrees.

  • Put steamed cauliflower in a food processor and blend just a little until it looks like grains of rice.  You can also do this by a hand masher in a large bowl.

  • ​Add the remaining ingredients and mix to combine to a sort-of smooth batter.

  • On a flat tray or pizza tray, line with parchment paper (an unbleached, chlorine-free one if possible)

  • Use ¼ of the mixture and place on the parchment paper and shape using a sweeping motion outwards , using a spatula, into pizza base circle shapes.  You want the bases to be about 0.5-1cm thickness.  Repeat this for the remaining 3 portions.

  • Cook the base for approx. 15 mins on one side (or until slightly golden), then using a second square of parchment paper, flip the bases over onto the second piece, remove the old piece from the bottom gently (this step is not essential but I do find it keeps the bases together better compared to only cooking on one side).

  • Cook the other side for an additional 10 minutes or until only slightly golden.

  • Remove from the oven and your bases are ready to load up.

This recipe has been adapted from The 20/20 Diet Cookbook by Nutritionist, Lola Berry – great book!

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