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Roasted Carrots


Nutritional Medicine is a holistic approach to the food we eat.  Naturopathic treatment incorporates using food as medicine in order to nourish and provide the nutrients the body needs to heal.  It is an extremely versatile intervention, which is used for treatment in almost all naturopathic prescriptions.


A typical Western diet, is often heavy in processed and refined foods containing poor nutritional value. That, in addition to our mineral depleted soils, chemically fed animals, pollution, environmental toxins and stress-ridden lifestyles, is leading us to abundance of nutrient depletion and oxidative stress, which has been shown to be the root cause of over 70 chronic degenerative diseases.


‘We are what we eat’ couldn’t be more precise.  What we eat provides the building blocks of our physical beings.  When we supply our bodies with the correct balance of macronutrients, vitamins and minerals through food, we are empowering our bodies to experience optimum vitality and thus, preventing or healing from a state of dis-ease.  


All humans are unique in terms of genetics, metabolism, biochemistry and anatomy.  Therefore, adapting an eating regime for each individual person is vital for their health success.


Nutritional assessments include an overview of the nutrient content of the foods you eat and assess your exposure to food preservatives and additives, as well as those that may be leading to sensitivities, allergies and intolerances.  



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